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Superman Fights Dragonball Z Goku ?

In anticipation of the upcoming Superman: Man of Steel movie slated to open in theaters this summer, some serious fans of the Kryptonian demigod made a very interesting video take on Superman vs. the mighty Saiyan from the DragonBall Z franchise, Goku.

The main thing that stands against Goku in a battle with the Man of Steel is durability. Goku has to constantly train to enhance his body enough to undergo further rigors ­ this spells almost automatic doom against a being of Superman's literally otherworldly power. Kal­El's physical attacks are as devastating as it gets; the only saving grace is the fact he rarely tries to kill. But since Goku wants to wait until his opponents are at full power, and seeks to goad them into unleashing it, he runs the risk of facing the Superman that made mincemeat of Darkseid and bested a reborn Doomsday.

Another problem, of course, is the alien from Krypton's own ability to take punishment. If this battle occurs in the daytime, then Goku has no shot whatsoever of puncturing Superman's skin, or rendering blunt damage on his physical form. If Goku keeps on increasing Super Saiyan power levels, he can provide a daytime exercise session for Clark... but that's about it. Even at Super Saiyan 4 levels, Goku simply can't really hurt the Man of Steel in any way that puts him down for the count. Supermnan's taken shots from Darkseid, Doomsday, Orion and other ridiculously­powerful entities ­ and walked away to tell the stories.

Clark's super­speed is matched and surpassed by the embodiment of velocity himself: the Flash. Supe's has shown the ability to exceed light speed and time travel, as well as vibrating through solid walls by vibrating his molecules at a sufficient rate. Not only can he take hit­after­hit from Vegeta's finest, he's so fast he probably doesn't need to get hit at all!

If Superman can withstand the explosive power of multiple supernovas, then surely a punch from Super Saiyan level 4 Goku would fail to put him down. And when we view the battle in terms of the damage the Man of Tomorrow can inflict on Goku ­ well, it starts to get downright murderous. Even without the ultimate weapon in his super­speed­enabled Infinite Mass Punch (Superman attacks the enemy at near light­speed with an absolutely planet­wrecking strike), Clark still has strength enough to tow an asteroid belt.

In his battles with monstrous enemies like Mongul, Doomsday, Darkseid, Orion and others, it has always been Superman's strength that has stood out. Even these nearly celestial beings have marveled at the sheer physicality Krypton's Finest brings to the field. It has been said that "Superman is as strong as he needs to be," which nicely sums up his meaning to fans and writers. Goku would have been better off fighting a planet full of Vegeta's than taking on Earth's greatest superhero.

Taran and his brother Zaton have loved reading about the exploits of Superman the Man of Steel from childhood to today ­ even as full­grown adults. In between writing assignments, they focus on their art studio and turning out high­quality superhero pictures for a steady stream of clients. The release of the Superman movie this summer has brought almost too much work to handle ­ but you know what they say: idle hands are the devil's playground. Currently, I'm collaborating on a series of superhero fight articles ­ starting with a Superman versus Hulk post.

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